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My name is Alli, but if you are looking at this blog you probably already know that!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Why Nature and Alli don't always get along...

Okay, we went to Ft. Bragg for this last Labor day 2008, and I had a blast! There was, however, a horrifying and traumatizing experience for me. Reed, Levi, Thomas and myself all went down to the seemingly innocent/beautiful/serene tide pools. Though we did see some enchanting little sea creatures, I also saw something that changed me as a human being. I may never be the same again. What I saw, I can only call "The crab from Hell". Here are some photos so you can share in my disgust! This thing had a tail and a seaweed-looking eggsac thing coming from its nether region. It was definately evil... It kept looking at me... It was horrible! First Reed just saw a huge crab, and said "hey take my picture" then, he picked it up and said "uh, this isn't any ordinary crab..." and he turned it around to show us its nasty growth. If I could've thrown up, I would have! It was the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen, and honestly I don't think I can eat crab again. It gives me the willies just thinking about that thing! After seeing that, I was so creeped out that I kept saying "Its okay, I like nature... NO, I hate nature!" P.S. Reed is probably going to get some haneous disease for touching that thing... GROSS!

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